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ADIW04 | Assoc. Prof. Anton Souslov | Optimal design and pattern formation in odd active solids
Odd elasticity | Dr. Anton Souslov
IGS 2016 Invited Talk: Combinatorics + Numerical Methods + Applications = SuiteSparse (Tim Davis)
Contributed Papers III: Species Interactions: Mutualism, Competition, and Deception
Analyzing the Disruptive Impact of a Silicon Compiler- Andreas Olofsson (DARPA)
Unit 2, Segment 5: Bottom-Up Energy Demand Modeling for Planning - The BUENAS and DREAM Models
Reborn in the Nation's Early Days, I Used Modern Military Knowledge to Build a Global Superpower!
Centre for Humanities: Paul Gilroy - lecture - 26/05/2009
Sodelovanje Instituta Jožef Stefan in francoskega inštituta CNRS
Microdosing Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms | Baba Masha M.D ~ ATTMind 169
Thanksgiving MTG live with CovenMTG! Come hang out with us while we play!